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On the Essence of Chasidus (Chasidic Heritage Series)

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"This is a book that changed my life..in the past few years I re-read it and something in me I thought would never get better broke open in an instant... now I'm almost eighty... growth processes have quickened... to places I couldn't have guessed.... notes on the yechida soul... essence in contact with God, essence to essence...a barrier gave way" -- Michael Eigen "Kehot.com website"
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Product details
Series: Chasidic Heritage
Hardcover: 154 pages
Publisher: Merkos Linyonei Chinuch; Hebrew and English Text edition (May 20, 2003)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0826604668
ISBN-13: 978-0826604668
Product Dimensions:
6.2 x 0.6 x 9.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 15.2 ounces
Average Customer Review:
3.9 out of 5 stars
3 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#2,639,713 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
I was told in Israel in '95 the Lubavitcher stepped on so many toes that he was either the real thing or a total fraud.Here's my review of Rabbi Hecht's book, Confessions of a Jewish Cultbuster:And my review of the Rebbe. Also see my reviews of Rabbi Uri Kaploun's books a noted child abuser that the Rebbe protected while destroying someone who tried to expose KaplounThis is a work of trash and fiction and lies. I am "Hank" of "Hank and the Hebrew Christians." Hecht attacked me the very first time I met with him and he knew I was naive about the fact that the body is not symmetrical and the left and right hands are not equal. this is called the principle of dextro-sinestra the right left principle. sinestra means evil. Hecht told me Chabad is garbage. It is.The first meeting I had with Hecht and my father, Hecht and my father were standing in the corner of a room rubbing their hands together. Hecht looked like the Angel of Death and my father was not any better. I got into Christianity to find a way to solve my problmes but it all backfired and made things worse. All of Shea's talk, especially in the book of love and bringing back into Judaism from an angle of is slanted to make Shea look my loving savior and helper which he never was. Neither was my father so loving. Follow this link on Culteducation.com http://forum.culteducation.com/read.php?7,55795What did they discuss about me and was Shlomo tightened up for any money and what did they discuss between all of them?: My father, my uncle, Dagmar, Hecht, my mom, my sister, Simon Greenstein, the JDL. Larry and Sue Mischell, Rabbi Goldberg the Rebbe egtc I'm sure it wasn't so innocent and money was attached to all of it. It was a matter of proving Chabad's theories and making money off of it. If their theory had panned out, I would have been one of their successes as I finished my MSM, got married and later on found a job at a major corporation, AT&T. My ex-wife, Julie Marilyn Nemon (Yocheved Miriam) ran out on me yelling, "We set you up to fall flat on your face.." What the blazed was going on and what did she know? Her mashpiah (mentor) Chaim Meir Lieberman told me, "It's just a good lie..."Also, I have information about Ted "Black Lightning" Patrick and Rick Ross who I used to write for although he took credit and copyrighted everything I wrote (An Overview of the Baalei Teshuva Movement and I could never be good enough for the movement and my 753 postings on the forum under my handle "richardmgreen." I never was paid a dime nor was I considered good enough to offer a job to. (http://culteducation.com and http://forum.culteducation.com who also did interventions, kidnappings and abductions etc. Some of their cases were failed and botched and Patrick was in jail for a while. I wonder who else is dead from all of this. All of this is very a very sordid business.Furthermore, I saw Hecht in Highland Park, NJ some years ago as he was there for a memorial for his father, JJ Hecht who was the official translator of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's sichos, talks on Sunday. Hecht told me, ".. you should MEET some people..." Hecht's portrayal in Confessions of bringing me back to Judaism with love is baloney. He knows it too.I was a cog in Scheerson's wheel. Here's what he's been up to:Also what does this have to do with Rabbi Schneerson's getting the Noahide Laws passed by the US gov't under George HW Bush and the pope especially since he said that Christians were to be asked to leave Christianity and that it is a "well known Jewish ruling that Christianity is avodah zarah or idol worship? The well known ruling is that it's basically OK for non-Jews to believe in the concept of God incarnate as that was a long held belief in the non-Jewish world since antiquity. Pharaoh was a sun god as was Nimrod, Nebuchadnezzar, Ceasar etc. For Jews the majority opinion is that it is Avodah Zarah but there's a minor opinion that it's shituf the belief that God's nature is compound and in the case of Christianity, that Christians only worship one God whose nature is vested in a Trinity.Also, the Lubavitcher Rebbe being a racist based on the Talmud's quote that all the kindness of the nations of the world is but sin (it's in Baba Bathra) and the Tanyas claim that the non-Jews come from the 3 impure Klippot etc.Torah True Judaism says that all the righteous of the nations of the world have a share in the world to come. Also, there's the famous story of how the Holy Roman soldier (he was Holy because he wanted to know the truth and he knew we didn't have it or tell the truth) asked Shammai to teach him the whole Torah while he was standing on one leg. Shammai blew him off. The Holy Roman soldier went to Hillel next as he did not give up and Hillel told him, "Love your neighbor as yourself, the rest is commentary go and learn it." Anyone even cursorily acquainted with Judaism knows this story except Rabbi Schneerson, Hecht and their cronies.Here's the Global Noahide Campaign and dialog about it:Chabad is targeting non-Jews too with their "Sheva Mitzvahs B'nei Noach" campaign. Theres a letter on that beishmoshiach site that was of a talk that Rabbi Schneershoh gave some years ago that Chabad was to missionize non-Jews too.Here's the letter:Author Topic: The Rebbe's Call for a Global Noahide CampaignMonotheism posted 03-18-2002 12:39 AM ET (US)--------------------------------------------------------------------------With G-d's HelpGlobal Campaign to Teach Noahide Code to All GentilesThe unique accomplishment of the "Global Shluchim (Lubavitchemissaries) Conference" - and hence also the need to have Divine assistance and participation, efforts and human involvement - can also be understood from its name:The title "Global Shluchim Conference" seems to refer simplyto a conference in which emissaries from all over the world takepart. But there is a deeper meaning:The word "global" means that it ought to be on a global scale.This means that the conference, and primarily, the mission work of its participants - must influence the entire world.In this connection there is a further matter of primaryimportance:In order to make a dwelling place for G-d in this world in theentire world, that it be truly "global" (as the Conference ofEmissaries is described), on a truly global scale, it is necessaryto influence the gentile nations, especially in light of the factthat they constitute the vast majority of mankind.For it is written that the Jewish people "are few among thenations" - so even if we reach and influence all Jews, wherever they may be, this is only a small amount (in quantity) of all of thenations in this physical world, which cannot be compared to thescale of the large world with the numerous people who inhabit it.Hence it appears that through the Jews alone there cannot beachieved a dwelling place for G-d "in the lower creations" [i.e. inthis world], all of the "lower creations," in a "global" manner, ona truly global scale.[(Since the Jew is G-d's emissary, and "the emissary is likethe sender," to the point that they are considered one and thesame, - therefore we certainly have been given the capability andassistance from G-d to transform the entire world. But G-d desired that it be a "dwelling place for the lower creations," (i.e. on their terms), that this be done in a natural manner and in a manner understood by the intellect of the "lower creations" (including that of non-Jews).]In addition to a Jew's mission in observance of Torah andMitzvos (Commandments), and his influence on other Jews to dolikewise, the Jews also have a Mitzvah to influence the gentilenations to observe the Seven Noahide Laws: "Moses commanded (the Jewish people what he had heard) from G?d Himself to compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the Commandments in which the Children of Noah (i.e. all gentiles) were commanded."This can be explained as follows - the general theme of all ofthe Noahide laws is "He created it [the world] to be settled,"inhabiting and civilising the world, to make the world a placesuitable for human inhabitation. It then becomes worthy for the Jews to make from it a dwelling place for G-d. If there is any place in the world that is lacking in proper civilization, that place is notcompletely worthy to be made a dwelling place for G-d.Based on the above it is understood that in order to settlethe world, in all its parts, we need the gentiles specifically, whoare extremely numerous and require a great area of land in which to dwell (unlike the Jews, who, being "few in number" do not need so much land for settling). The Jews can assist, but the chief and ultimate effort in settling the world - in the most literal sense - depends on the actual, bodily efforts of the seventy nations.This is one of the reasons for that which the Jews werecommanded "to compel all the inhabitants of the world to accept the Commandments in which the Children of Noah were commanded." [It should be noted that the Noahide Code (through which "He created it [the world] to be settled" is achieved) must be observed (not "out of rational compulsion," but rather "because G-d commanded them [i.e. the Noahide Laws] in Torah and made it known to us throughMoses," meaning that the Noahide Code reaches gentiles via theJewish people.] For in order that the Jewish people achieve themission assigned to them of making of the world a dwellingplace for G-d in a complete manner - they must achieve that thegentile nations civilise the world, by observing the Noahide Code(including - via the law of charity ).Now it is understood why it is called a "Global EmissariesConference":When the emissaries assemble in a "Global EmissariesConference," it indicates an assembly and unification of emissaries from various places in the world - in fact from all four corners of the globe. Then each emissary represents the Jews and people in his place, also the gentile nations (with whom he works and whom he assists in their Divine service). This further underlines that their activity is to influence the entire world, to make the entire world a dwelling place for G-d.Talks of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Sefer HaSichos 5750, Vol. 1,pps.142-5.Options: Reply*QuoteCollege Cults Information...Posted by: Macabri ()Date: November 17, 2002 11:13PMThank you very much...When I went to the main page I only typed in college and it turned up no results...I'll be sure to check again...Thanks...Options: Reply*QuoteCollege Cults Information...Posted by: richardmgreen ()Date: November 18, 2002 08:14PMWhat Lubavitch is trying to do is pretty scary to me and I'm really wondering just what exactly they want. Is this a plot for wold domination. I hate to be "politically incorrect" but I think what they're up to may be "Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion" material.The Protocols was a document that started around 1890 claiming to be plan concocted by the leading rabbis of the time for world domination. The document is considered to be a forgery by most authorities but it's a main problem. It always pops up.Recently, an Arabic TV station aired a segment on the document and read it. The ADL jumped all over this one.First of all, the 7 commandments of the Sons of Noah is really 7 basic categories leading to 66 or so wider categories. I'd really like to know the particulars of all of this.Do they expect the whole world to accept the Jewish interperatation of God? Do they expect Israel to become the leader of the nations.And why is Lubavitch spreading their stuff around when the leaders in their movement who I know told me it's all BS?Options: Reply*QuoteCollege Cults Information...Posted by: richardmgreen ()Date: November 24, 2002 06:50PMRick, I got this off of [www.beismoshiach.org] in their message board it seems that Rabbi Schneerson did believe that he was the Messiah.THE PSAK DIN: THE REBBE IS MELECH HA'MOSHIACHAfter Shavuos 5751, rabbanei Chabad who had gathered at 770 from all over the world signed a detailed psak din which quoted the halacha in the Rambam regarding the signs indicating who is Moshiach, and established that "it is clear according to the Torah of truth that the halachic status of `b'chezkas she'hu Moshiach' applies to the Rebbe shlita, for all the conditions enumerated in the Rambam apply to the Rebbe shlita."Then on the 11th of Sivan 5751, a ksav minui (letter of appointment, given to a legal emissary) on behalf of the beis din of Crown Heights, the Vaad Rabbanei Chabad of Eretz Yisroel, and the general Vaad HaRabbanim, was given to Rabbi Dovid Nachshon and to R Avrohom Taub, appointing them to read the psak din that the Rebbe is b'chezkas Moshiach at the gravesites of the Chabad Rebbeim in Russia. This trip was kept secret and merited special and rare attention from the Rebbe. The following are answers to these two shluchim:Beis Iyar, near the mikva: "Yashar ko'ach yashar ko'ach."This was followed by: "All this was taken to the tziyun."On the 13th of Sivan, the Rebbe blessed the shluchim with a good trip in three languages. While in Russia, they asked whether they should tarry or travel immediately to Medzibuzh. The Rebbe said they should travel to Medzibuzh immediately.On 5 Av 5751, a minyan convened and went to the gravesite of the Arizal where they read the psak din about the hisgalus (revelation) of the Rebbe as Melech HaMoshiach. When they informed the Rebbe of this, he said: "May all this have its effect, etc., and the time is auspicious, etc. I will mention it at the tziyun."THE BOOK"YECHI HA'MELECH""The first book that fully explained the basis for the psak din of the rabbanim, that the Rebbe is b'chezkas Moshiach, was written by Rabbi Shalom Dovber Volpe in Yechi HaMelech. He submitted it to the Rebbe even before it was bound, and on the 19th of Cheshvan 5752, the Rebbe responded:"It was received, many thanks. It is enclosed with this [note] to be published and exchanged for a bound one -- and thank you in advance. May it be successful and for good tidings. I will mention it at the tziyun."The Rebbe took an interest in Rabbi Volpe's receiving approbations for his book from gedolei Yisroel. Shortly after the book was published, shaliach Rabbi Yoram Ulman of Australia asked the Rebbe whether "it was proper" to learn this book with outsiders, for since it states precisely who Moshiach is he wanted the Rebbe's blessing for success in this matter. The Rebbe gave him a positive answer.The Rebbe's head shaliach in Argentina, Rabbi Tzvi Greenblatt, received the Rebbe's approval for translating a certain chapter from Yechi HaMelech HaMoshiach (a later book by Rabbi Volpe wherein the halacha of b'chezkas Moshiach is explained and connected to the fact that the Rebbe is Moshiach) and for disseminating it throughout Argentina by way of an individual who was not a Lubavitcher.SIGNATURES AND GATHERINGS FOR KABBALAS HA'MALCHUSOF THE REBBEOn 4 Iyar 5752, when Rabbi Dovid Nachshon submitted a form with 250 signatures on it affirming the acceptance of the Rebbe as Melech HaMoshiach, the Rebbe responded:"It was received and thanks. May it be an ongoing activity and may it increase. Indeed, the time is auspicious... I will mention it at the tziyun."On the 8th of Iyar 5751, Rabbi Dovid Nachshon, along with other Chabad Chassidim, wrote to the Rebbe that at a gathering with over ten activists and mashpiim it was decided to continue with the signatures for kabbalas ha'malchus. More signatures were appended to the letter, and the Rebbe's response was: "I will mention it at the tziyun and may he relate good news."After Rabbi Nachshon informed the Rebbe about a farbrengen at Kfar Chabad in connection with the fact that the Rebbe is Melech HaMoshiach, the Rebbe responded in Sivan 5751:"May it be an ongoing activity and may it increase. Indeed, the time is auspicious. I will mention it at the tziyun."In Kislev 5752, the Rebbe responded as follows to a du'ch of signatures on kabbalas ha'malchus forms which Rabbi Nachshon had sent him, and about a lecture Rabbi Nachshon had given on the topic of "the Rebbe as Moshiach" at a special evening in which public figures were present:"May it be fulfilled in them [the saying] that he who has 200 wants 400, etc. I will mention it at the tziyun."A GATHERING FOR KABBALAS HA'MALCHUSThe women of Crown Heights organized a gathering for the purpose of kabbalas ha'malchus, including by means of signatures. The women wrote to the Rebbe that the gathering would be taking place because of the Rebbe's encouragement on Hoshana Rabba, to which the Rebbe said:"May it be with great success, and the time is auspicious as are the inyanim. I will mention it at the tziyun."Regarding the invitation which they sent the Rebbe for this gathering, the Rebbe responded:"I will bring the enclosed, G-d willing, to the tziyun. And the time is auspicious."Regarding the report which N'shei Chabad submitted after the gathering, in which they enumerated the topics which had been discussed -- among them, the need to arouse the midas ha'malchus of the king through accepting his malchus, the unique ability and obligation that Jewish women have in bringing the Geula, and the special importance of writing and signatures -- the Rebbe responded:"I will mention it at the tziyun again for continued great and wondrous success in everything, etc."N'SHEI CHABAD DISTRIBUTING FORMS FOR KABBALAS HA'MALCHUS AROUND THE WORLDOn 3 Kislev 5752, a group of women presented the Rebbe with a beautiful box containing forms with signatures. The representative of the group said, "Baruch Hashem there is amazing work being done in the campaign of `and they sought Hashem and Dovid their king' and they found him. And this is being spread through the N'shei Chabad, and throughout the world and to all the shluchos. We -- N'shei and Bnos Chabad -- accept Moshiach Tzidkeinu, the Rebbe shlita, and he will lead us upright to our holy land immediately."The Rebbe responded:"Amen."(The Rebbe then looked at the box and said:) "Is this for me? Besuros tovos."(The Rebbe looked at the box again and the signatures and added:) "For all these matters you must give tzedaka, and may it be with great success, and go from strength to strength until you go to Elokim in Tziyon with the true and complete Redemption. Blessing and success, great success."Regarding N'shei Chabad's decision to make a "seudas kabbalas panim l'Moshiach Tzidkeinu," on Motzaei Shabbos 28 Teives 5752, and the plan to publicize this throughout the world and in the newspapers, the Rebbe said among other things:"It was received and many thanks. May it be an ongoing activity and may it increase."When N'shei Chabad informed the Rebbe that they had prepared a pamphlet for the participants of the farbrengen, entitled Toras HaGeula, which contained sichos of the Rebbe, and that the seudos would take place in many locations around the world, the Rebbe responded:"This is included in the bracha for the earlier letter, to which this is a continuation. But may it progress from strength to strength. For there are additional meritorious days and meritorious activities. And `action is the main thing,' as per the psak din of our holy Torah and its explanation at length in Chassidus. I will mention it at the tziyun."In the middle of the meal, representatives of the women wrote to the Rebbe as follows:"Hod malchuso k'vod k'dushas Admur shlita Melech HaMoshiach, Jewish women in general and N'shei Chabad in particular, are ready to greet Moshiach Tzidkeinu and to hear divrei k'vod k'dushaso in a manner of `a new Torah will go forth from Me' at the meal arranged in his honor, and we pray that we merit the true and complete Redemption with heavenly clouds, etc., immediately mamash."The Rebbe responded, "All who bless are blessed with Hashem's blessing, whose increase is greater than the capital, particularly a special blessing at a special time. I will mention it at the tziyun."Options: Reply*QuoteCollege Cults Information...Posted by: richardmgreen ()Date: November 24, 2002 06:51PMTHE GATHERING FOR KABBALAS HA'MALCHUS IN 770 -- BROADCAST LIVE AROUND THE WORLDRight after the seuda, Rabbi Chaim Baruch Halberstam of W.L.C.C. gave a report to the Rebbe of the list of cities and countries worldwide which participated via hook-up in the seudas Melaveh Malka. The report began with: "K'vod k'dushas Admur shlita Melech HaMoshiach L'olam Va'ed! A report from the broadcast of the kabbalas panim for the Rebbe MH"M by the N'shei and Bnos Chabad." The Rebbe responded:"It was received and many thanks for the nachas ruach which was caused and continues to be caused. I will mention it at the tziyun."On the Sunday following the meal, the organizers of the event went to the Rebbe and said: Jewish women, members of "a stubborn nation," decided to go from strength to strength until they receive the actual Geula. The Rebbe said:"Good news and great success. May all the blessings be fulfilled soon. [Upon distributing to each an additional dollar, the Rebbe added:] This is for the gathering."THE REBBE'S DIRECTIVE TO THE N'SHEI CHABADOF LONDON:To N'shei Chabad of London who had written about their activities regarding Moshiach, the Rebbe told them to act in accordance with the N'shei Chabad of Crown Heights:"It was received along with that which was appended to it. Many thanks and may it be with great success. You are certainly in touch with N'shei Chabad here, to find out about their recent celebration here. I will mention it at the tziyun."To N'shei and Bnos Chabad of Paris, who had written that they were preparing to arrange a farbrengen, a Melaveh Malka for kabbalas pnei Moshiach Tzidkeinu on Motzaei Shabbos B'Shalach (based on the Rebbe's directive to them to organize this again), the Rebbe responded on Erev Shabbos Parshas B'Shalach:"May it be with great success and the time is auspicious. I will mention it at the tziyun.""YECHI TAMBOURINE"N'shei U'Bnos Chabad decided to hold a special evening of song for the Redemption, "with tambourines and dancing," on Motzaei Shabbos Tetzaveh. When they informed the Rebbe of this he said:"May it be with great success. I will mention it at the tziyun."At dollars the following Sunday, Mrs. Chavie Cohen gave the Rebbe a tambourine, on which was inscribed "Yechi Adoneinu Moreinu V'Rabeinu Melech HaMoshiach L'olam Vo'ed!" and she said, "this is for the Rebbe shlita. With this tambourine, the women danced last night, with joy that breaks all bounds, and absolute certainty in the immediate revelation of the Rebbe shlita, Melech HaMoshiach, for a complete redemption."The Rebbe responded with a smile: "This you will probably leave with me."The Rebbe gave her another dollar and said: "This is for the `tzitzelei s'ruah,' as it is called in Tehillim. May it be in a good time."Here's the Catholics acknowledging the Noahide Laws despite Schneerson's aspirations to destroy ChristianityTraditional Catholic ForumA place for SSPX and other Traditional Catholics to discuss matters pertaining to the Catholic FaithSince 2006New: RSS FeedClick here to start your Amazon.com session so CathInfo gets credit!Welcome! ( login | Register )» Catholic Info » Traditional Catholic Faith » Resistance Movement » Benedict XVI Affirmed Jewish ...MembersSearchHelpPages: << prev 1 next >>Benedict XVI Affirmed Jewish Noahide LawsascentLevel 3Reputation: 664(Likers: 0 / Critics: 0)Posts: 9260 0________________________________________Quote:JEWS HAVE FOUND AN ALLY in Pope Benedict XVI.Following in the steps of his predecessor, Pope John Paul II, who officially recognized modern day Jews as the `Chosen People of God', Pope Benedict is fulfilling the same role of pandering to the Jews.In his recent visit to America from April 15-20 2008, Pope Benedict met with representatives of the Jewish community on the eve of the Jewish Passover on April 18 2008 at 5 PM Here and reiterated that they are God's "chosen" - of which any thinking Sunday School student would easily refute! The Pope said:-- "Shalom! It is with joy that I come here just a few hours before the celebration of your Passover to assure you of my prayers as you recall the wonders God performed in liberating His *chosen people.*" -- HEREIn a Bilateral Commission Meeting between the Vatican delegation and the Chief Rabbi Shear Yashuv Cohen in Jerusalem in 2007 (Here) an agreement was made which recognized that "Jewish tradition emphasizes the Noachide Covenant as containing the universal moral code which is incumbent upon all humanity." (Cf Genesis 9).So then? Not only are Jews "absolved" by the Vatican of their guilt for crucifying the Messiah Jesus -- now Pope Benedict recognizes their leadership since they are the "Chosen People of God" and that the "Noahide Laws are Jewish tradition." Hence who will ultimately be the moral authority that governs the so-called Noahide Laws? Jews, that's who.It is paramount to note that on March 20 1990 President George Bush Sr signed into law a Congressional Resolution on the so-called Noahide Laws entitled House Joint Resolution 14 Public Law 102-4 Here & HereThis Congressional Act potentially gives the Jews the legal right to imprison and condemn to death Christians as "idol worshippers" according to the 1st Article of the Noahide Laws which considers the worship of Jesus Christ as "idolatry" for worshipping a "false god".The Jews call this article of the 7 Noahide Laws, Avodah Zarah, enunciating it as a commandment: "Do not worship false gods as idols" HERE.The bottom line is that this ultimately means the international imposition of the Noahide Laws by Jews. And these Noahide Laws, which potentially can condemn Christians to death, will be governed by the Zionists who are given ownership over these laws by both the Vatican and the US Government.Indeed, the ancient Jewish Sanhedrin that condemned the Lord Jesus Christ to death was recently reinstituted in Israel Here & Here. And the newly-instituted Sanhedrin wasted no time in arrogating to themselves governance over the Gentiles vis-à -vis the Noahide Laws.We must all do everything in our power to stop the Anti Christian Jews with their wicked Noahide Laws now before it's too late!Benedict XVI Affirmed Jewish Noahide Laws________________________________________Posted Jun 19, 2013, 2:32 pmIgnored by: 0SigismundLevel 5Reputation: 3048(Likers: 0 / Critics: 0)Posts: 5,7370 0________________________________________Um, his RECENT visit in 2008? This is not exactly red hot news..........................Stir up within Thy Church, we beseech Thee, O Lord, the Spirit with which blessed Josaphat, Thy Martyr and Bishop, was filled, when he laid down his life for his sheep: so that, through his intercession, we too may be moved and strengthen by the same Spirit, and may not shrink from giving our lives for our brethren. Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Thy Son, Who liveth and reigneth with Thee in the unity of the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.________________________________________Posted Jun 21, 2013, 2:19 amIgnored by: 0IncredulousLevel 3Reputation: 3087(Likers: 0 / Critics: 0)Posts: 1,8120 0________________________________________Sigismund said:Um, his RECENT visit in 2008? This is not exactly red hot news.The phony Noahide laws basically give the tribe the license to execute the gentiles.Having George Bush put them into US law in the 1980s, when no one was looking is one thing. Have the Pope endorse them is another.It doesn't hurt to remind the Trad resistance that "Benedict" was never trustworthy.________________________________________Posted Jun 21, 2013, 2:50 amIgnored by: 0Pages: << prev 1 next >>CathInfo.com - A message board of Catholic news and information for traditional Catholics living in the modern world.Have questions about the forum? E-mail us: news at cathinfo.comThe posts on CathInfo are the words and opinions of the individual members who posted them, and do not reflect the views of CathInfo or its owner.CathInfo is the de-facto discussion headquarters for the Resistance, which it officially supports.Please pray for Bishop Richard Williamson, a noble prelate and hand-picked successor of Archbishop Lefebvre whose wisdom and zeal for the truth have inspired many.On October 23, 2012, the good Bishop was cast out of the SSPX, where he had labored tirelessly for 36 years.His continued membership in the SSPX would have made a premature union with Rome more difficult.He is committed to defending Catholic Tradition in all its purity, as the true successor of Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre."I have loved justice and hated iniquity; therefore I die in exile." - Pope Gregory VIIHere's Schneerson's interview. Note it took the intervention of Herbert Hoover to get him out of Europe as Hitler wanted to kill him. This is how he thanks his Christian benefactors.JAHG-USA Web Site Subscribe to our newsletter HomeThe Rebbe on the Hasidic Gentile Campaign1. What is the primary mission for our generation to accomplish?The main avodah of this generation is to go out to the final war of the golus, to conquer and to purify all the gentile countries (such that "and kingship will be Hashem's," Ovadiah 1:21).--Shabbos Parshas VaYelech, 5746.The unique innovation in the Previous Rebbe's service is the dissemination of Torah and Judaism and the wellsprings of Chasidus outward to the entire world, including the effect on the non-Jews.--Hisvaduyos 5750 4:418, cites in "The Deed is the Main Thing," Kol Boi Ha'olam, p. 370.Our efforts must be geared to the "final days" in purifying and clarifying ourselves and in influencing the Noachides to accept their G-d-given destiny which will cause the nations of the world to comWh
Beautifully explained and written!
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