Download PDF WordPress for Beginners 2019: A Visual Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering WordPress (Webmaster Series)
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WordPress for Beginners 2019: A Visual Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering WordPress (Webmaster Series)
Download PDF WordPress for Beginners 2019: A Visual Step-by-Step Guide to Mastering WordPress (Webmaster Series)
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Product details
Series: Webmaster Series (Book 2)
Paperback: 227 pages
Publisher: Independently published (October 19, 2018)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1728906873
ISBN-13: 978-1728906874
Product Dimensions:
8.5 x 0.5 x 11 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review:
4.7 out of 5 stars
18 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#9,012 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
My good deed for the day is to urge you, if you are shopping around for a "How To" on Wordpress is to pounce on this book.Wordpress is a difficult program application to get into. I dabbled a couple of times over a few years before I caught on. Funny thing, once you get over the hump it is easy as milk and cookies....but getting to that point is tough if you try to do it all on your own as I did. (I had no choice way way back.)Fortunately you have Dr. Andy's book that tells you everything you need to know...step by step. You have his book tutorial on one device or screen and Wordpress on the other.... You can have the start for your site up in a day of very pleasant peckings, guaranteed...and what's more you'll actually understand what you just did...and be able to replicate with authority. (I say "replicate" because once the site is up you populate it with your great stuff.)I can't tell you strongly enough that Dr. Andy's book will save you weeks of research...trying to do it for yourself from scratch. It's even good for folks like me who already have a Wordpress site up!I have the book. I also have 80 or so websites behind me, most of the later ones optimized the Dr. Andy way for max traffic. Yes, there is more than just building the have to do things to get traffic. But again, I have the book because there are always things I forgot....and a couple of WP things I didn't know and relying on the brain of Dr. Andy gives me the Wordpress edge I need. He is MY goto guy and you need to make him yours. His latest tip and trick on a little ditty called SSL saved me untold pain and angst recently. For instance.Get the book. Get on his invaluable mailing list. Get to know Dr. Andy. It's best for you. Guaranteed. You'll be thanking me!
A while back I had an idea for a webpage and thought, "No big deal. It can't be that tough to create a website." I started dabbling on-line, YouTube, etc. for information on how to build a website. I started one and, honestly, I liked how it looked until things started going goofy and then I had no idea how to fix it. My website knowledge was built on thin ice as it kinda held up, but it felt like it could crack at any moment. Then, thank my lucky stars, I found this book and, wow, I've learned so much! In my opinion, this is a must have for anyone who wants to build their website with a solid footing.
Andy's books and courses are always extremely informative and have actionable tips and ideas. I always walk away with ways to improve my sites.
I was hoping for more; the author did fairly good at dissecting various parts of the WordPress platform; but, did not really show how to put all the pieces together. I also found the Gutenberg editor did not work will with the authors recommended theme (2017). Going back and forth from the Gutenberg and classic editor was confusing and frustrating. And, many of the screen shots in the book did not match my images on my attempted website. Overall, I was disappointed in the book. I was hoping to have some semblance of a website by the time I got through the book, unfortunately that did not happen. I need to do further research beyond what this book offered me. The author claims you will be able to "build a professional website in a few short hours." This is simply "not true." I gave it 3 stars because the book was reasonably priced, otherwise I would have given it 2 stars.
The book is well written and provides a step by step walk though the setup with Wordpress. Excellent resources and learning book.
I would give five stars, if the TOC and Index were more descriptive. When done, the content would benefit.
It is written like I have a private class. Really easy to understand. I'm looking forward to being able to finish my website with it.
Great author. Great for doing and learning
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